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Financial Times - June 20, 2024

Quebecor and asterX are pleased to announce the winners of the 26th edition of the Pierre Péladeau Bursaries this morning at Le Sommet, an annual entrepreneurship gathering. Founded in 1998 to support student entrepreneurship, the competition granted, again this year, five bursaries totaling $200,000 to empower business ventures led by promising young local entrepreneurs.

Newswire - June 20, 2024

Congratulations to the 2023 Pierre Péladeau Bursaries recipients! Watch the video announcement showcasing the recipients and learn more about their projects here

University College London (UCL) - April 26, 2024

The programme, run between UCL and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), has given ten startups the chance to learn, connect and explore new opportunities.

EPFL Startup Accelerator - Meet the Startups!

EPFL ( Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne)

The sixth edition of blaze rolled out 6 promising startup projects created by highly motivated student-entrepreneurs. These projects demonstrated rapid deployment potential, distinctive technology and a commitment to social impact. During their participation in blaze, the student-entrepreneurs benefited from the support of leading industrial partners, cutting-edge technology experts and experienced designers.

AsterX Venture Capital

Nous discutons avec Hippolyte et Victor, deux jeunes pleins d’ambition qui mettent à profit l’IA pour outiller les organisations à mieux transformer la rétroaction qualitative en information décisionnelle clé.

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